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Art: Original Purpose

Recently, I have thought a lot about Art and it's purpose.
Personally, art has been an outlet for liberation. To free one's self from internal/external binds.
With the age of the Internet, purpose becomes transmuted, altered, stolen.
Original purpose has been lost, and it is done for reasons other than what it was originally intended.
I do not think we can articulate the purpose verbatim, for it is multi-faceted, and too complex for human logic.

It may migrate from 'the act of presence' or 'expression of immediacy', but instead morphs into something slow, over time; 'to create content', 'to be social', 'to be on streaming platforms'.
It is not to say these things are not truly good, but I believe the source origination for creating art has been diverted and diluted with the age of the Internet; exploitation.

In my investigations, I have belabored the point of defining explicitly what this means to a science,
And I understand time in this headspace only feeds those who have stolen these organic or true acts of being.